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This was the official Flyer for the tournament: Einladung ASL Alpenfestung III (.pdf, 729 kB)
The Alpenfestung III tournament took place Friday, April 20th, until Sunday, April 22nd, 2012.
We played in the «Seeblick» vacation home.
1. Marc B. (Switzerland)
2. John T. (Germany)
3. Jan L. (Switzerland)
4. Michael S. (Germany)
The choice of scenarios for the long round (5.5 hrs.) was:
- Red Don, Italians vs. Russians in Russia in January, 1943. 7 turns. From Action Pack #3, «Few Returned».
- A well-engineered Ambush, Germans/Italians vs. British in Tunisia in November, 1942. 5 turns. From Action Pack #7.
- Le Herrison, French vs. Germans in France in June, 1940. 7.5 turns. From Module #10, «Croix de Guerre».
Download the long scenarios (.pdf, 2.5 MB)
The choice of scenarios for the short round (2.5 hrs.) was:
Brasche Encouter, French vs. Germans in France in June, 1940. 5 turns. From «Out of the Bunker #1»
One more Hedgerow, Germans vs. Americans in Normandy in June, 1944. 5.5 turns. From «ASL Starter Kit #1 Bonus Pack».
- Tavronitis Bridge, British vs. Germans on Crete in May, 1941. 5.5 turns. From «For King and Country».
Download the short scenarios (.pdf, 4.3 MB)
Round 1
Jan L. (as the Russians) against Michael S. (as the Italians) in «Red Don». Michael wins.
Marc B. (as the Russians) against John T. (as the Italians) in «Red Don». Marc wins.
Round 2
John T. (as the Germans) against Jan L. (as the New Zealanders) in «Tavronitis Bridge». Jan wins.
Marc B. (as the Germans) against Michael S. (as the New Zealanders) in «Tavronitis Bridge». Marc wins.
1st: Marc B. (2:0) - Tournament winner
2nd: Michael S., winner of first round (1:1)
3rd: Jan L., loser of first round (1:1)
4th: John T. (0:2)
After Action Report (AAR)
Once more, the «Seeblick» turned out to be an comfortable and cozy place to play and enjoy. After we all came together on Friday night, we had dinner and played a non-ASL warming-up game, «Mundus Novus». Being too tired for the setup of the first scenario, we postponed that task until the next day. After sleeping in and enjoying a rich breakfast, we determined the first player pairings and scenarios to play. Both pairings (Michael and Jan, as well as John and me) chose «Red Don» as their first scenario. A massive Russian Infantry offensive against dug-in Italian troops at and behind the banks of the frozen river Don the winter of 1942/43. It turned out to be a challenge for both sides. It was interesting to see that the players of the Italian side chose two different defense modes: «Forward defense» and «Defend the rearward hills». With ground snow, minefields, wire and offboard artillery, the Russian troops had to cross very rough and dangerous ground until reaching the Italian lines. In my game, a whole series of close combats erupted and after bloody losses to both sides, the outnumbering Russians prevailed. We could complete both scenarios as planned in the late afternoon.
After dinner, we setup the short scenario. Again, both pairings chose the same: «Tavronitis Bridge». This scenario was about a daring glider landing attack of German troops on Crete in 1941. I chose to land my 10 gliders in three different locations to approach the key terrain features as quickly as possible. At first, it looked as if I had overstretched my forces. Due to anti-aircraft fire, evading gliders that landed offboard and swift counterattacks from the New Zealanders, I took quite some losses during the initial landing. However, after the troops left their gliders and fought their way to key positions, the five defending squads were one after another captured or killed in close combat. In one of these nailbiting last-turn close combat finishings, I won the scenario. What a great end of a great gaming experience! Thanks, Michael, Jan and John - and I hope to see some of you at Alpenfestung IV in August, 2012.
<Your personal AAR>
<Your personal AAR>
I had a great time at Alpenfestung. Good company, good food, fantastic location, and ASL. Sounds like my idea of heaven. I am posting a 4-part blog entry for the actual game play.
The Alpenfestung III is about to start...
Setup for two parallel games of «Red Don»
Flower-dotted spring meadows and snow-covered mountains at the same time...
Almost a half-squad of players
Do you have interest in taking part in future Alpenfestungs? Contact me.
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