
After Action Report (AAR) of Alpenfestung II

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This was the official Flyer for the tournament (in German): Einladung ASL Alpenfestung II (PDF, 344kB)




The Alpenfestung II tournament took place Friday, October 21st until Sunday, October, 23rd, 2011.



We played in the «Seeblick» vacation home.




          1. Marc B. (Switzerland)

          2. John T. (Germany)

          3. Jan L. (Switzerland)

          4. Michael S. (Germany) (couldn't attend due to illness)





The choice of scenarios for the long round (5.5 hrs.) was:


  • «Winter of their discontent», Germans/Italians vs. Russians in Russia in January, 1943. 7 turns. From Action Pack #3, «Few Returned».
  • «Into the fray», Polish vs. Germans in Poland in September, 1939. 7 turns. From Module «The last Hurrah».
  • «King of the Hill», Germans vs. Americans in Normandy in July, 1944. 8.5 turns. From Deluxe Module «Hedgerow Hell».


Download the long scenarios (.pdf, 2.6 MB)


The choice of scenarios for the short round (2.5 hrs.) was:


  • «88s at Zon», Germans vs. Americans in Holland in September, 1944. 5.5 turns. From: «ASL Starter Kit 2».
  • «The Men from Zadig», French Partisans vs. Germans in France in August, 1944. 4.5 turns. From: «Out of the Bunker».
  • «Pavlov's House», Russians vs. Germans in Russia in October, 1942. 6.5 turns. From: «ASL Journal #5».


          Download the short scenarios (.pdf, 2.3 MB)




          Due to our missing forth player Michael, Jan and Marc teamed up to play against John.

Round 1

John T. (as the Germans) against Jan L. and Marc (as the Poles) in «Into the Fray». John wins.


Round 2 - omitted

As the scenario of round 1 took much longer than anticipated, we decided not to play one of the short scenarios.  





1st: John T. (1:0) - 'Tournament' winner

2nd: Jan L. & Marc B. (0:1)


After Action Report (AAR)



We received bad news just before the Alpenfestung II was about to start: Michael fell ill and he wasn't able to attend the tournament. That was a great pity - we missed him both as our ASL friend and as our 4th player in the mini-tournament. So we had to change plans and to team up Jan and me (Polish side) against John (German side) in the large «Into the Fray» scenario which takes place on the very first day of the second world war in Europe, September, 1st, 1939. With more than 10 hours of playing time, the scenario took too long to complete for my taste, but it was a great gaming and social experience nevertheless. To split the two Polish forces (Green «hold the line» defenders and Elite Cavalry reinforcements) between Jan and me worked out surprisingly well. I am sure we made the best out of the situation after we learned that we couldn't play the «4 players, 2 rounds»-mini tournament as planned. Once more: Thanks John and Jan for this great memorable event, and we dearly hope to see you next time in the Seeblick again, Michael!



After a strenuous business day I arrived with my partner Walli in the pitch black at the "Seeblick" and was welcomed by wonderful smells coming from the kitchen (and a cold beer)! Marc and Jan prepared a great meal (even if there was no meat ivolved). The wood-burning stove in the 'seeblick is also a good feature (and luckily I was not responsible for it's maintenance).


Due to the necessity of a 3 player game we decided to go with "Into the Fray" and since I was the most experienced (not necessarily best) player it was decided that I should take the Germans. At this point Walli took off to enjoy the spectacular weather and mountain scenery...


After seeing the set up of Jan and Marc I decided to try to go for the exit victory conditions by breaking through the conscript lines on my left flank and centre. The strong defensive position on my right I chose to contain with as little of my own troops as possible. As usual there were good rolls and bad, however given that I created two heroes and a leader I cannot complain too much. At around the end of turn 4 it appeared that my exiting enough points was almost a fomality however the polish cavalry swung back around just in time and a couple of units seemed to always be blocking the path. At this point I thought I would lose the scenario until we checked the victory conditions (it's always agood idea to do this at the end of every game turn).


Although the Germans had not taken too many casualties the Poles had also on the surface not taken enough casualties themselves to give me victory by the casualties method. This was until we realised that I had taken a significant amount of prisoners and they count double!! Following checking, double checking and triple checking the figures a marginal victory could be had by this method if I could avoid further losses. This resulted in the Germans advancing tactically to the rear, although the tanks had to survive several ATR hits that would have cost me the victory (I lost one in close combat whilst carrying out the infamous vehicle bypass freeze). 


All in all this was a very close and exciting encounter and I would like to thank Jan and Marc for making this a fun scenario to play (even if it took significantly longer than we anticiapted). I try not to play too slowly however the evidence tends to suggest that I do not fulfil my good intentions.


As a perfect end to a perfect day (for me at least) we had another excellent meal and bottle of wine.


I believe the location and atmosphere of the Alpenfestung tournament is unique in the ASL world and if you have the opportunity to attend you should not pass this up.


Thanks again Marc and Jan and I am looking forward to crossing swords again at a future Alpenfestung in the 'Seeblick'.



A photografic account of what course our scenario really took at Alpenfestung II: AAR.pdf


Also, enjoy these photos of the event:




'The House'


Ghosts, apparently!


John - early match picture


Marc - early match picture


Grumpy ol' men


The finger of fate - 'Attack here!'


Roses in front of the house


Enjoying the late afternoon sun


Before sunset


After sunset


The early bird catches the worm! Or a picture of Walensee just after sunrise.


Got interested in taking part in Alpenfestung III? Contact me.


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