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Registration and Contact (redirected from Contact and Registration)

Page history last edited by Marc 9 months, 1 week ago

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The Alpenfestung is a small-but-beautiful gaming event for four (yes, exactly four) players. Therefore, there is only a limited registration to this event.


If you would like to take part, please note in this date selection which dates would fit your calendar. 


Note to myself: Check the Swiss holiday calendar to avoid school holiday periods. The selection of venues will be very limited otherwise. 


Once all votes are in, the selection of the players follows these guidelines:


There are four participants:

1. Tournament host Marc - he has a reserved spot. At times, it's great to have privileges. 

2. Alpenfestung veteran (those players who attended the Alpenfestung at least once before)

3. Alpenfestung veteran (those players who attended the Alpenfestung at least once before)

4. Alpenfestung newbie (those players who never attended the Alpenfestung before)


If there are more than two veterans that would like to participate, here are the tie breaks for the decision making:

  • has not attended the Alpenfestung for a longer period of time 
  • if still tied, has attended the Alpenfestung fewer times
  • if still tied, had the higher tournament ranking level in his last Alpenfestung participation
  • if still tied: Marc rolls a die to decide. 


If there is more than one newbie who would like to participate, here are the tie breaks for the decision making:

  • has tried to participate in the Alpenfestung more often
  • if still tied, has tried to participate in the Alpenfestung earlier
  • if still tied: Marc rolls a die to decide.   


If there are no newbies who would like to attend (or, for some strange reason, no veterans), the open slots will be filled with the other type of players, respecively.  




You can contact Marc by email at detroit199798@gmail.com 


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