
Participation Fee

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Saved by Marc
on March 12, 2012 at 2:07:14 pm

You are here: Home > Participation Fee



Each players' (and visitors') contribution to cover the expenses of the event will be:


  • €60.00 for players/visitors who live outside of Switzerland
  • CHF 70.00 for players/visitors who live in Switzerland.


Please pay in cash when we meet. Depending on where you live, you can pay in Euros or Swiss Francs (see above).

This fee covers everything - organization, two overnight stays, all meals (two breakfasts/brunchs, tea breaks and two dinners) and beverages, including beer.


A note about visitors (i.e., attending non-players): Let me know well in advance if you plan to bring a visitor (your wife, friend, whomever) to the Alpenfestung. I need to know how many people will be around to do a proper food planning. There's also a limit of one visitor per player (otherwise, other players will not have their own sleeping room).

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